The Lombardy Supply Chain "ECO-SLUDGE" on sewage sludge, promoted within the LE2C Cluster with A2A Environment leader, has been approved by the Lombardy Region - Directorate General for Economic Development.
The 'ECO-SLUDGE: ecosystem for a sustainable and innovative sludge management value chain' Sector was born within the LE2C 'Water Energy Nexus' Area of Expertise and is coordinated by A2A Ambiente. The supply chain consists of a total of 17 subjects and includes: 15 companies, 1 research institute and 1 technology cluster.
The provinces involved are 6: Brescia, Como, Milan, Monza-Brianza, Pavia and Varese.
The primary objective of the supply chain is the development of the issue of sewage sludge management, and more generally of the 'biomass family', with a view on innovation and sustainability. This can be done at an early stage through outreach activities, such as the publication of a booklet and participation in working groups focused on the subject. Subsequently, new projects will be implemented to ensure the development of innovative treatment technologies and/or predictive models on sludge quality.
The supply chain has been recognized by the Regione Lombardia - General Directorate of Economic Development - with DECREE No. 1036 of 09/01/2024 as part of the Manifestation of Interest for the development and consolidation of production and service chains and productive and economic industrial ecosystems in Lombardy. The initiative was promoted by Regione Lombardia with the aim of supporting the strengthening and competitiveness of the production and service sectors and industrial ecosystems in Lombardy.
The supply chain was created on the initiative of some subjects within the LE2C Cluster under the coordination of A2A environment. The supply chain was spotted as an opportunity to continue the successful activities carried out during the regional project FANGHILAB - Advanced forms of Management of sewage sludge in a Lombard Innovative Hub (Jan 2020 - Dec 2022), funded by the Regione Lombardis call "Call Hub Research and Innovation" and aimed at experimenting at experimenting with new technologies for the treatment of sewage sludge for the recovery of matter and energy.
Many participants in the project expressed the desire to continue working on sewage sludge by expanding the opportunity to other companies and stakeholders (part of the LE2C Cluster) who have decided to join the initiative and set up a single Lombard supply chain.
For this reason, one of the first outputs of the supply chain will be the drafting of a booklet to disseminate the results of the FANGHILAB project to the stakeholders of the sector concerned, which will be disseminated through a dedicated presentation event.
- A2A Ambiente SpA - head of the supply chain
- A2A Ciclo Idrico SpA
- Arcadia Consulting Srl
- Brianzacque Srl
- CAP Holding SpA.
- Ecologja CRSG
- INDAM Laboratori
- Isinnova Srl
- LabAnalysis Environmental Science
- Lariana Depur SpA
- MM SpA
- SEAM Engineering
- SNF Italia Srl
- TCR Tecora
- Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri
- Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster
The LE2C Cluster, recognising the relevance of the initiative and the interest of its members, has taken action for the establishment of the supply chain by actively contributing to the organizational and operational meetings aimed at the presentation of the Expression of Interest.
Similarly, the Cluster constituted the "Transition to the Ecosystem of Renewable Energy Communities" Sector recognized in May 2022, coordinated by TerrAria Srl.
LE2C is working, together with some associates, on the presentation of the Supply Chain on Hydrogen.
For further information on LE2C's commitment to the Lombard supply chains, please contact