What we mean by "food chain" or "food value chain"
All stages related to the production, processing and distribution of food, from agricultural production, to industrial manufacturing processes up to the distribution of products.
Why improve the use and efficiency of energy resources in the food supply chain
The food supply chain uses considerable amounts of water and energy. This leads to issues of consumption, measurement, management, quality control and treatment of energy sources, both in processes and in uses. Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials and advanced manufacturing, can help address these challenges.
Who are the promoters of the Project
Promoters and project managers are a network of 10 industrial and technological clusters from the agro-food, water, energy and enabling technologies sectors of seven European countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic, Spain).
The contact for Italian companies is the LE2C Cluster - Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster.
Are you a company in the industrial supply chain Food-Water-Energy? We are looking for companies that have a challenge to solve that requires a technological solution in the agro-food and livestock sectors (production, processing and distribution)!
Contact us for more information and to find out the available funding by writing to info@energycluster.it
For more information download the flyer and visit the project’s official website: http://vidaproject.eu/
News from VIDA:
- 02nd October 2019: VIDA online training courses: 8th, 22nd October 2019
- 16th September 2019: VIDA Brokerage Event | Milan, 12th September 2019
- 04th July 2019: VIDA WEBINAR: SMEs wanted for partnership opportunities
- 24th June 2019: VIDA Webinar | Sustainable farming - waste management and energy efficiency | 2nd JULY 2019 | 10.00 - 11.00
- 06th March 2019: VIDA: interest and participation of SMEs at the event launching the voucher schemes
- 05th March 2019: VIDA EVENT_Presentation of opportunities for SMEs
- 23rd November 2018: VIDA Webinar: register to get information on the calls, beneficiaries and eligible activities