The Lombardy Supply Chain "DeHSk" focused on the hydrogen theme and promoted within the LE2C Cluster with OMECO leader, has been approved by the Regione Lombardia - Directorate General for Economic Development.
The 'DeHSk - Developing Hydrogen SKills' Supply Chain was born within the LE2C "Smart Energy Systems" Area of Expertise and is coordinated by OMECO Srl - ICIM Group.
The supply chain involves a total of 22 subjects including 13 companies, 4 universities, 2 research organisations, 1 high-tech school, 1 Industrial Association and 1 Technology Cluster.
It extends over 7 Lombard provinces: Milan, Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Lecco, Monza-Brianza and Varese.
The priority objective of the DeHSk supply chain is the development of the skills needed to support the large-scale adoption and integration of hydrogen-related technologies in the various economic and productive sectors. This will contribute to the transition to more sustainable energy systems and the creation of employment opportunities in the field of clean hydrogen.
DeHSk aims to:
Train and inform: Through training programmes, the supply chain intends to meet the growing demand for knowledge regarding new energy technologies.
Develop vertical skills: The supply chain aims to develop specific skills for different areas of hydrogen application, such as production, storage, transport and consumption, in order to support the widespread adoption of this technology.
Promote innovation: The supply chain aims to promote initiatives and projects with high innovation content by actively involving the actors in the supply chain itself. This makes it possible to build original skills that can be shared in the Lombardy ecosystem of training and education.
The supply chain has been recognised by the Regione Lombardia - Directorate General Economic Development, as part of the Manifestation of interest for the development and consolidation of production and service chains and productive and economic industrial ecosystems in Lombardy. The initiative was promoted by Regione Lombardia with the aim of supporting the strengthening and competitiveness of production and service sectors and industrial ecosystems in Lombardy.
- OMECO S.r.l. - ICIM Group - head of supply chain
- Simplifhy SB S.r.l.
- Bono Energia S.p.A
- E4SD S.r.l.
- ESE Engineering Services for Energy S.r.l.
- FBM Hudson Italiana S.p.A.
- QUANTRON Italy S.r.l.
- ReActive – Powder Technology S.r.l.
- SEA S.p.A.
- Voltiana S.r.l.
- Valland S.p.A.
- Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca
- Università LIUC – Carlo Cattaneo
- Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Energia
- Università degli Studi di Brescia
- CNR Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie
- Istituto di Scienze e tecnologie Chimiche “G. Natta” del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche SCITEC-CNR
- Fondazione ITS Energia Ambiente ed Edilizia Sostenibile - ITSGREEN
- Confindustria Varese
- Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster
LE2C , recognising the relevance of the initiative and the interest on the part of its members, has taken action for the establishment of the supply chain by actively contributing to the organisational and operational meetings aimed at the presentation of the Expression of Interest.
Similarly, the Cluster has formed the Supply chain "Transition to the ecosystem of renewable energy communities" and ECO-SLUDGE: ecosystem for a sustainable and innovative sludge management value chain".
For further information on LE2C's commitment to Lombard supplys, please contact