Luca Donelli, President of LE2C, will speak at the conderence organized by ENEA, which will deal with the role of energy technologies in the path of de-carbonization of the national energy system and of the sustainable development of the country.
The transition to a low carbon economy still represents a challenge to face, and ti requires on the one hand investments in energy infrastructures and systems and on the other the development of innovative technologies and devices capable of combining environmental sustainability with economic sustainability.
ENEA has carried out a study based on the collection and analysis of sectoral data, useful for understanding and describing the state of the Italian energy system and identifying the best development strategies.
During the conference, this analysis entitled "Evaluation of the state and development potential of energy technologies in the process of decarbonising production systems and services," will be discussed, offering new ideas and considerations and describing possible development policies allowed by the energy transition.
The event will be held on Thursday 30 January, from 9.00 to 13.00, in the ENEA Conference Room - Via Giulio Romano, 41 (Rome).
More information and the link to access the registration are available at the page dedicated to the event on the ENEA website,