From May 16th to 19th 2016 Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster invites you to Cape Town for the African Utility Week, the most important event in the energy industry of the whole continent
Dear Members,From May 16th to 19th 2016 Lombardy Energy Cleantech Cluster invites you to Cape Town South Africa for the annual meeting of ICN (International Cleantech Network). The meeting will take place alongside the African Utility Week, the most important event in the energy industry of the whole continent
Please find all the relevant information regarding the event at:
Here are some additional detailed information:
AUW fee
The AUW fee has now been settled to be 592€ per person (ICN discount of 33%) allowing all participants to join the presentations, panel debates and networking events during the event. The fee applies to ICN Board of directors as well as member of the ICN business delegations. It is possible to visit the exhibition free of charge, but there will then be no access to the presentations at the conference and some of the networking events at the site.
Travelling and Accommodation
Participants are responsible for travelling and accommodation arrangements. All participants are urged to book flights and hotels as soon as possible, since there can be a limited amount of these available during the period of the conference. All AUW participants can benefit from a discount of 10% when travelling with Emirates Airlines. Please use the links provided on the Annual Meeting site.
Please register at your earliest convenience and at the latest on 1 April 2016. Both ICN members as well as accompanying business delegations must use this registration process.
For the ICN Annual Meeting: Fill out all details regarding your participation, name, organization, address etc.
2) For getting full access to the AUW conference with the ICN-discount, please fill out the attached PDF-file on the webpage in writing and send it in scanned version to me on Once these are collected, they will be forwarded to the AUW organisers in order to validate the discount. In case there is a total ICN delegation of more than 20 participants, the AUW fee will be lower (21-25 participants = 560€, 26+ participants = 527€).
Tentative travel budget
In order to give an estimation on the costs of participation at the Annual Meeting, please see this tentative budget below:
· AUW conference: 592€ (including ICN discount)
· Hotel 4 nights (Hotel Southern Sun Waterfront): 402€
· Return ticket Copenhagen-Cape Town: 540€ (including 10% discount flying with Emirates)
Total budget for one person: 1534 € + additional expenses (hotel prices and tickets are subject to change – this is just to provide an example)
Questionnaire for business delegations
In order to improve the South African experience and identify key business opportunities for the accompanying delegations, we have elaborated a questionnaire that we ask you forward to those of your members who would be interested in the event. Please collect all the answers at your earliest convenience or at the latest on 1 April 2015 and send the answers to GreenCape at The gathered information will assist GreenCape in organizing site visits and encounters with appropriate local business partners.
For further info please contact:
Stefano Cominelli: