Head office
Via Vittorio Veneto, 14, 22060, Carugo, (CO), Italia
about us
For over 20 years, they’ve been providing assistance in the environmental field, supporting companies in managing the delicate relationship between the environment and industry.
Since its founding in the late-nineties, the steadily growing firm Defar has provided assistance in the environmental field both in Italy and throughout Europe.
Defar provides:
- TECHNICAL ADVICE for water treatment processes, gaseous emissions, and waste management, and for the streamlining of electricity, heat, and chemical consumption per product unit.
- FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND DESIGN of new systems, expansions, upgrades, and renovation/conversion of existing facilities.
- COMPLIANT PAPERWORK with regards to Integrated Environmental Assessments (AIA), Single Environmental Assessments (AUA), Environmental Impact Assessments (VIA), Strategic Environmental Assessments (VAS), water concessions, upgrading of sewage and rainwater networks, etc.
- TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT, assistance to companies and public entities that wish to outsource the activities of their technical departments.
- DUE DILIGENCE by checking the adequacy of production facilities against current environmental legislation and the condition of the pollution prevention systems in place.
- SOIL AND SUBSOIL REMEDIATION on sites that are active, closing, or in disuse, in preparation for redevelopment and/or urban transformation.
- Services
- Brevetto N. 0001371632: procedimento per la bonifica di siti inquinanti da cromo esavalente