about us
INSTM groups 49 Italian universities, which basically represents all the universities where research on materials is carried out.
INSTM is involved in all the strategic areas of materials science and technology and promotes the research activities of its members in this field through organizational, technical and financial support. Through the creation of a “critical mass” of knowledge, INSTM competes at the highest levels, with innovative, pure and applied research projects in order to satisfied the needs and quality standards of national, international and industrial research. INSTM develops and valorizes exchanges between universities and industries, by supporting joint activities in order to develop solutions to industrial problems and to study new scenarios related to materials and science technology. INSTM supports technological transfer, spin-off activities and training for enterprises. The INSTM scientific network is organized in four scientific sections. The “Energy and environment” area promotes research activities in: materials for the more efficient consumption of energy resources; conventional and alternative environmentally-friendly, innovative, high-efficiency systems for energy generation and storage; catalysis and its resulting processes.