The workshop will present emerging opportunities in the Marine Renewable Energy sector for the offshore industry, on the occasion of @OMC 2019 - Offshore Mediterranean Conference, Ravenna (Italy)
The main goal of the NeSSIE Project is to develop 3 investable demonstration projects based on innovative technologies to test, deploy and scale up new industry, service applications and solutions in anti-corrosion technology and new materials in wave, tidal and offshore wind energy sectors.
AGENDA: 9.00 - 11.00
- Introduction and moderation: Blue Growth innovation strategy - ASTER
- Offshore renewable energy: worldwide market opportunities - Renata Archetti, University of Bologna
- Roadmap: the challenges and opportunities of corrosion issues in the Offshore Renewable Energy market - Noor Van Velzen, University of Edinburgh
- Corrosion issue: the NeSSIE approach to meet the challenges - Francesco Matteucci, ASTER
- Case studies on corrosion issue: the NeSSIE Approach - Jan Reid, Scottish Enterprise
- Offshore renewable energy: Experiences of ENI in the Mediterranean Sea - Andrea Alessi, ENI (t.b.c.)
- Q&A
- Conclusion
Introduction and moderation – Stefano Valentini, ASTER
WHEN: Friday 29th March, 09.00 - 11.00
WHERE: Room A, Pala de André - Viale Europa, 1 - 48122 Ravenna @OMC 2019 Ravenna (Italy)
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