LE2C celebrates 10 years anniversary (2009-2019) organizing a full day devoted to innovation and technology transfer: Lombardy Energy & Cleantech Day 2019 - The event will take place on April 17, 2019 in Milan - #10yearsofLE2C
After the General Assembly (for Members' only) stakeholders at the European, national and regional level and the Cluster’s past Presidents will arise issue about innovation in energy and cleantech fields.
The afternoon will be devoted to SMEs. With Matchmaking opportunities and B2B meetings open to companies, research centres, universities.
Furthermore, the coordinators of LE2C Focus Areas (Smart Energy Systems, Sustainable Manufacturing, Green Building, Water Energy Nexus, Clean Air) will be available to discuss about activities and potential innovative projects. You can also schedule a meeting with the Europe Help-Desk, for free assistance on access to European calls and partner search, held in collaboration with Enterprise Europe Network, and fix a meeting with the Digital Innovation Hub.
10.30 Registration
11.00 Institutional greetings, Raffaele Cattaneo, Lombardy Region's Councillor for Environment and Climate
11.15 Innovation in utilities, Giuseppe Viola, Counselor Utilitalia e General Director of Confservizi Lombardia
11.30 From the Thermo-electro-mechanical district to LE2C
12.00 Elevator pitch of the start up participants and awarding of the winner for the theme Circular Economy
12.20 The Role of Technology Clusters Beyond Horizon 2020, Annalisa Tessarolo, Policy Officer European Commission, DG GROW
12.35 MEDREG : Harmonised rules for a Mediterranean energy area
- Stefano Besseghini, President of ARERA (A Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment) and Vice-President MEDREG (Mediterranean Energy regulators)
- Gulefsan Demirbas, President of MEDREG and Head of Strategy Development Department Energy Authority
of Turkey - EMRA
13.00 Final remarks Vladimiro Dal Santo, LE2C Vice-president - ISTM CNR
Coordinator: Carmen Disanto, Cluster Manager
13:10 Networking lunch
14.00 Presentation VIDA project Carmen Disanto, Cluster Manager
14.15 - 16.30 MATCHMAKING event & ADVISORY sessions:
➢ B2Bs between Companies and/or Research Centres
➢ LE2C Focus Area Desk
➢ Europe Help Desk : free-of-charge advisory on European funding opportunities and partner research in collaboration with EEN - Enterprise Europe Network
➢ Digital Innovation Hub
➢ VIDA Project: voucher and call : opportunities for enterprises
To register please click HERE.
The event is sponsored by the National Research Council of Italy
HASHTAG: #10yearsofLE2C